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How Do You Lead?

Leaders: What Do You Think About…How You Lead?


Leadership is influencing others to act. Leaders do the right things. Managers do things right. Professional leaders do both. Authority to lead comes from at least 4 overlapping sources:

  1. Position: Decide, reward, hire, fire
  2. Expertise: Knowledge, skill, experience
  3. Personal: Likeability, persuasiveness
  4. Threat: Punish, coerce, intimidate

Allocate 100 points among these 4 sources. How much of each comprises your leadership authority? How might you rebalance these sources?

Here are the Taylor Systems 10 leadership competency sets (not in any order):

  1. Leading Successful Change
  2. Communicating, Presenting Persuasively
  3. Being Credible, Acting with Integrity
  4. Leading Sustainable Inclusion, Diversity, Equity
  5. Building Positive Interpersonal Relationships
  6. Developing Current, Future Leaders
  7. Leading Productive, Profitable Operations
  8. Demonstrating Professional Knowledge, Skills
  9. Successfully Planning, Executing Strategy
  10. Engaging the Workforce

How qualified are you in each competency set? (1 low – 10 high)

My top three competencies for 2022:

  1. Engaging the Workforce
  2. Leading Successful Change
  3. Developing Current, Future Leaders

What are your 1-3 most urgent development, improvement priorities? I hope these thoughts help new leaders gain understanding, and seasoned leaders refresh thinking, add insight, perspective. One final thing to think about…What is your mission, purpose as a leader?

I’d like to help you develop, improve your leadership. Please call or write. Everett Taylor, PhD Recover – Uncover – Discover Leadership Coach, Consultant, Trainer & Advisor Taylor Systems Executive Coaching, LLC

Phone: 480-720-9065



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